Tony & Kate

July 29, 2012  •  1 Comment

Tony & Kate

Pine Knob Mansion, Clarkston, Mi


  We joined Tony and Kate July 21st on a beautiful day that hosted their wedding.  We started in Shelby Township as both the bride and groom prepared at their families homes.  Ceremony was held a a local church and the reception was held at the beautiful Pine Knob Mansion in Clarkston, Mi.  Tony and Kate's love was present throughout the day and they had one beautiful wedding.  Enjoy.Martin0004 Martin0016 Martin0021 Martin0022 Martin0047 Martin0045 Martin0068 Martin0096 Martin0107 Martin0112 Martin0121 Martin0129 Martin0153 Martin0154 Martin0202 Martin0196 Martin0222 Martin0158 Martin0239 Martin0274 Martin0275 Martin0284 Martin0283 Martin0328 Martin0357 Martin0396 Martin0398 Martin0403 Martin0408 Martin0411 Martin0416 Martin0417 Martin0401 Martin0433 Martin0445 Martin0446 Martin0533 Martin0439 Martin0567 Martin0574 Martin0490 Martin0535

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Emma Wilson Mitchell(non-registered)
I have to tell you.. Your work is fantastic. You may remember me... We worked together a few years ago.. I am 40ish.. and started in photography at 22... I came in to the craft when the best choice was medium format.. I have had to make the switch to 35mm then to digital.. I still miss the smell of film and the true honest look of a well lite , well composed, truly inspired image.. I don't know who taught you what you know.. But I am glad you know it. Digital has changed photography is good ways and bad.. It can make a not so talented photographer seem skilled... As well as frustrate a good photographer right out of loving the craft.
I admire your work.. I can see your art and skill and attention to detail through out your albums! Good job, and continued good fortune to you all involved in this expertly finished product!
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