Catwalk For A Cause

July 20, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

Collective Image Photography & Videography is a proud sponsor of the Catwalk for a Cause for 2012 by providing photography, web and graphic design.  This will be the second year that Collective Image will be involved in the cause.  Photos of last year's event can be found at


A Short description of Catwalk for a Cause from Chris Shwartz, Co-Director:

Catwalk for a Cause came about after two Juniors from Marian H.S., Caroline Reason and Tatum Schwartz, wanted to create a kids for kids fundraiser.  The girls had joined Junior Christ Child as they entered high school.  They both felt very rewarded by the experience of working with the boys who live at the Christ Child house, and wanted to do more. They knew that if they combined something they both loved, fashion, with a fundraiser for the charity that they were passionate about, they would have success.

Early summer 2011 the planning began for the first Catwalk which took place August 2011.

Last year, we had students from 8 area high schools model or serve on the committee for the event (Marian, Brother Rice, U of D, Mercy, Seaholm, Groves, Lahser, Cranbrook).  Over 200 family and friends attended the event. This year we will have participants from Sacred Heart and Country Day as well!

100% of the proceeds will be given to the Christ Child house.  Last year, a donation of $3100 was donated towards the boys' enrichment fund.

This year we have Birmingham retailers JMcLaughlin, Complex, The Tux Shop, Double Up, and Cache from the Somerset Collection. Also featured is young designer, Rachael Damman, a recent Marian High School grad, debuting of her own clothing line!

The girls have learned a lot from this experience of planning the event, and their peers have come out to support the cause with much enthusiasm. 


Join us August 1, 2012 for a night of Music, Food and Fashion



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